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CECS Progress Policy

The CECS Progress Policy is designed to encourage successful completion of a degree at UCF. The Progress Policy is enforced beginning with the 2015 catalog year. The college believes that the adoption of this policy will positively affect time to degree completion, excess hours, indebtedness, future employability, and congestion in key UCF courses.

The policy has 2 components: Low grades/withdrawals and multiple course attempts. Courses that fall under the CECS Progress Policy are all courses taken at UCF regardless of declared major or completed degree.

Lack of Progress Probation

Students with (7) C-, D, F, W, NC, U grades at UCF will be placed in a lack of progress probationary status with the college and remain on Lack of Progress Probation as long as the student is enrolled in a CECS major.

Students with two unsuccessful attempts of the same UCF course will be placed in a probationary lack of progress status with the college. Students must earn a minimum of a C (2.0) in the third attempt of a course to remain in a CECS major. The third attempt must be taken at UCF.

Students who are on lack of progress probation are encouraged to meet with a CECS advisor.

Progress Redirection (Exclusion) from CECS

If a student has a tenth unsuccessful attempt over all courses taken at UCF, the student will be redirected (excluded) from all CECS majors.

If a student has a third unsuccessful attempt of a UCF course, the student will be redirected (excluded) from all CECS majors.

Students who have been redirected (excluded) will not be eligible to take any CECS courses.

A student who is redirected (excluded) from a CECS major may seek readmission to a major in CECS after at least one full calendar year has passed since redirection (exclusion). Readmission is not automatic and is dependent upon a high probability of success after readmission. Any student who is readmitted to a CECS major will be subject to all probation conditions that applied at the time of redirection (exclusion).

Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor in the Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center for career planning and selection of a major outside of CECS.

Please Note:

**CECS students are responsible to know the policy and where they stand under the policy. Information regarding the policy is introduced at orientation, included in the UCF catalog, on the CECS website, and on the student’s degree audit.

**Students reapplying to UCF or submitting a change of major request to a CECS major who would be on probation under the CECS Progress Policy may be denied (re)admission to a CECS major if the college determines there is great risk to successfully completing the intended program while on probation under the CECS Progress Policy.

Students with questions regarding the policy are encouraged to meet with a CECS advisor in Engineering I, rm 107.